Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back like Jordan, Wearin' the "45"

Excitement abounds. Tomorrow is our last day of professional development before the inevitable beginning of it all. This year holds so much promise... a lot to build on and look forward to. Check it:

Paul has opened a ninth-grade academy for students seeking to enroll for one last year to ease their transition to high school. Our focus is two-fold: providing a curriculum that heavily emphasizes the growing importance of technology and global awareness/responsibility. As an educator, I don't know that I could ask for much more in terms of the scope/focus that we're working with. It's not to say that we won't teach traditional standards/subjects by any means. Yet and still, our focus will always be grounded in purposeful learning that demands a constant evaluation of the demands and offerings of the world that we live in.

Naturally, I'm planning to come correct in my approach to instruction--being that it is my second year and all. Still much to learn, but I've got enough under my belt that I can't wait to put in to practice and use to the benefit of my students and their achievement. Definitely using the technology aspect of the curriculum to my advantage. Got separate twitter, facebook, and blog accounts set up for classroom use. Check me @MrDeShields, (facebook), (blog). I'm really excited about getting my kids on the blog and on twitter. Trying to do some revolutionary stuff on the blog-- so keep your eyes/ears open.

Stay tuned for the Service Learning movement too-- man... too much to be excited about already. Now I just need to see my kids.....


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